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If you have been promising yourself that you will lose weight, eat healthy and exercise regularly, “Starting on Monday”, then this is the accountability and support you need. Vibe Ride’s 30-Day weight loss challenge kicks off on January 6, 2018. If you are trying to shed pounds, create lean muscle, or just want to start the new year off right, join us as we MOVE WEIGHT, together. The challenge will be 30 days. Those in the challenge will also get discounts on personal training and meal prep services! There will be two winners, one who loses the most weight and the other who loses the most inches. Our MOVE WEIGHT winners will each receive a free unlimited month of classes, and a free, private, indoor cycling party! Your $99 entrance fee covers nutrition consultation, measurements, motivation and a kickoff DUNK TRUCK body fat testing session! Classes are sold separately. If you are trying to shed pounds, create lean muscle, or just want to start the new year off right, join us as we move weight, together. The challenge will be 30 days. Those in the challenge will also get discounts on personal training and meal prep services! Keep reading for more details, and email [email protected] if you are ready to commit or have any questions!


Q: I need more classes for this challenge!

A: No problem! We have tons of specials for 2018, so head to our BUY page to select the package that is best for you! You can also get one month unlimited for just $99! If you already have enough classes, then you are all set.

Q: What’s happening on January 6, 2018?

A: That’s the MOVE WEIGHT KICKOFF! You will get weighed in, measured, and learn more about nutrition and meal prep to make that metabolism keep burning after your workout! For newbies to Vibe Ride, you will get a tour and the chance to demo classes. We will also take photos and have a questionnaire for you to fill out, so we can make sure your fitness goals are met. Most importantly, you will get a Hydrostatic Body Fat Test! The truck will be coming to Vibe Ride from 8:00am-noon on January 6th.

Q: What is a Hydrostatic Body Fat Test?

A: CLICK HERE to check out a video (or keep scrolling). It takes ten minutes, you get submerged in water, and it is the most accurate measure of your body fat composition. Afterwards, you receive a report detailing: a) your fat and fat-free body mass, as percentages and in actual weight; b) How much fat, if any, you need to lose to achieve your desired body composition; c) How many calories per day you burn without exercising—unique to you (this is everything); d) How many calories you burn from different exercises—again, specifically for your body; and e) Where you are on a scale of ideal body fat for your age and gender. If you do not want to join the challenge, but want the test, click HERE to buy! It is just $49. Don’t forget to book your spot for body fat testing after you buy! Keep reading to learn how.

Q: What do I need to do to sign-up?

A: You have to: (1) pay the $99 challenge fee (CLICK HERE); (2) Buy classes if you need more; and (3) Either book a spot for the body fat testing on January 6th OR email kalye@theviberide to schedule a time when she can take your measurements (keep reading to learn more about that). You will be hearing from us!

Q: How do I book a spot for the body fat testing?

A: Click HERE to sign up. After you click that link then click on BOOK A TEST. Scroll down a bit and click on the Saturday, January 6, 2018 Vibe Ride date. Select a time that is convenient for you, and follow the prompts to register. You will then receive a confirmation email. If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please do so immediately.

Q: What if I’m unavailable on January 6th?

A: We REALLY hope you can make our kickoff, but if there’s absolutely no way, we can schedule a time for you to come in to get measured and all of that fun stuff another time! Email [email protected] to schedule a date to get measured, and get the information you need to kick off the challenge! If you cannot make it on January 6th, you will not be able to do the dunk truck testing with us.

Q: I am interested in meal prep services. How can I learn more?

A: We recommend JNC Bodies Meal Prep owned and operated by our very own Coach Jasmine, who leads our CUT Body classes.  Click here to learn more:

Jasmine offers: a 4-week sample calendar and sample snack menu for weight loss. She also offers 2-week and 4-week packages for actual meals to ensure you stick with the plan! There are discounts on her programs EXCLUSIVE to our members.

Q: 2018 is my year! I want a personal trainer for the challenge.

A: Great! Email [email protected] and let us know you are in the challenge, you want a trainer, and include the dates and times you are available!

Q: Tell me the dates of the challenge again?

A: January 8, 2018 – February 4, 2018. On February 4, 2018, you will meet with Kalye for your final measurements and pictures! If you cannot make that date, schedule a time with her for another day that week.

Q: I’m out of shape, I hate working out, everyone is going to be better than me, and I’ve never stuck with a weight loss challenge.

A: That’s not a question, but don’t sweat it! This challenge is for ALL fitness levels! Our coaches and community are so supportive. Also, our classes are the most fun you’ll have; second only to Disneyworld (NOT Disneyland). Contact us, so we can chat with you and give you a private tour and demo before the challenge so you will feel right at home.

As part of our fitness community, we are dedicated to supporting your consistent improvement in our open and dynamic environment as you define fitness for yourself. JOIN US!