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Well ATL

Well ATL

In 2012, Courtney Anderson and Rebecca Colett were, respectively, a Harvard-educated lawyer and a project manager with 100 pounds to lose.
Modern Luxury Magazine

Modern Luxury Magazine

It’s no secret ATLiens love getting their spin on. Just in time for summer sweat seshes, meet Vibe Ride, the Westside’s newest spin and strengthening studio specializing in state-of-the-art fitness technology.
Georgia State Homes

Georgia State Homes

While Rhythm Rides focus on interval training in time with particular beat, Remix Rides at this Midtown cycling studio revolve around rotating soundtracks. Cyclers can toast champagne after an all-Drake ride or throw it back to the ’90s with creative playlists that...


Meet Law Professor and Owner of Vibe Ride Fitness Studio: Courtney Anderson
Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Music is front-and-center at almost all of Vibe Ride’s many offerings, with music video and “club-vibe” rides populating the weekly schedule. Pay close attention to the studio’s specialty theme classes, which change often and can adhere to...
GA Followers

GA Followers

Enjoy themed cycling classes while listening to energetic, pump music! The diverse playlists will surely make you want to turn up as you go through this spin class. Themes include: “Madonna vs. Britney vs. Beyoncé” and “Twerk Anthem.”