Crystal Marie Young
Crystal Marie is a proud carrying member of the Thick Thighs Save Lives Committee, standing up for the thick fit girls across the globe. She wholeheartedly understands that fitness isn’t something you do, but it’s something you live. She fell in love with cycle when she wanted to find something that was just as effective as running but not as boring (yeah, I said it!). Crystal Marie has also taught classes over the years as a step aerobics, cardio kickboxing and hula hoop instructor. Known to the community as a fitness enthusiast, Crystal Marie builds confidence
by helping others find what workout fits them, she inspires through fitness fashion with her “Fear Doesn’t Go With My Outfit” mindset and brand (if you look good you will train good!). With a background in Biology, Nutrition & Food Science she is always on a mission to master clean eating with an even cleaner workout. In “her head” she is a good dancer so don’t be surprised if she hops off her bike and dances to the beat. Just keep riding because her class is definitely a whole vibe!