George Campbell
Greetings everyone my name is George Campbell better known as Coach George! I’m from Detroit, MI and been living in the GA since 2013. I found my passion for fitness while driving home from work on I-400 Southbound! In Detroit, we don’t have traffic as horrible as it is here, in metro Atlanta. So it was either find something productive to do, or go crazy sitting in stand still traffic on the freeway!
Some interesting things about me is that I have a Master’s of Science in Security Administration from the University of Detroit Mercy. I’m a proud member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. I’m fluent in American Sign Language. I’m also a Schwinn certified and ISSA certified fitness trainer. I currently teach Cycle and Abs & Assets. I play a mixture of music, but always Team Nicki Minaj and 2Pac!
You can catch me teaching in Atlanta (all locations!) & Detriot! Follow me on IG:Executioner1914 or FB:Coach George 1914! My schedule is always changing lol!
Come Get That Work!