Here are my favorites for a successful Whole 30:
- Tessamae’s Dressings: Use these to dress up everyday meals, salads, roasting veggies, marinating meat, etc. Buy yours at Publix/Kroger, Whole Foods, ($15.00, 2-pack; com)
- Primal Kitchen Mayo and Chipotle Mayo: great for making dips, use it as a base for sauces, on top of salads, making tuna or chicken salads, it has so many uses. ($13.99; com)
- Coconut Aminos: this is your substitute for soy sauce. You will need it. Trust. Whole Foods, ($10.98; com)
- Frank’s Red Hot Original Hot Sauce: say goodbye to Siracha and other hot sauces that have sugar. Use this as a substitute. Pick it up at any grocery store.
- Ghee: You can’t have dairy, so use this for recipes that ask for butter.
- Nutpods: All you Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and Caribou coffee feigns: buy this to put in your coffee, or you won’t make it. ($13.95, 4 pack; com)
- Full Fat Coconut Milk: An excellent dairy-free alternative whenever you might use regular cream, canned full-fat coconut milk is a delicious addition to soups, curries, mashed potatoes, mashed cauliflower and Crock-Pot meals. I have even made an amazing Tzatziki sauce with coconut milk. Recipe here. I love the Trader Joes kind, but Thai Kitchen can be found at Publix and Kroger.
- Misto Oil Sprayer: so easy to spray olive oil or avocado oil on your meats and veggies without overdoing it and because reading the ingredients label of a can of Pam or even Trader Joes Coconut Spray will make your eyeball twitch. Nuff said. Buy yours at TJMaxx, Target, or on Amazon for $9.95.
- Spiralizer or Zoodle: Don’t be basic. Make your veggies fancy. Buy yours at Target, TJMaxx, Amazon for $29.99.
- Apple Sauce: Sometimes you really do just want something sweet. Sugar Free Apple Sauce (Trader Joe’s has the best in my opinion) has no shit in it (like added sugar) and it’ll do the trick.
- RX Bars: I know we said top 10 things, but I’m allergic to nuts, so RX bars wouldn’t be on my list, but it’s a saves many of people on the Whole30. RX Bars are Whole30 compliant! Woot Woot.