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Do you travel a lot for business (or pleasure) and struggle to stay fit? You’re not alone! I’ve got 5 good tips for you! (No, it doesn’t involve going to your hotel fitness center and eating chicken breast every day! Say what??) 


My peak travel season is from April-August. No problem, I just knew at the end of the summer that I’d get back on schedule and work off those 3-5 pounds I gained from eating, airport, hotel, and restaurant food. Well, this year threw me a curve ball. I started teaching a Wednesday indoor cycling class at Vibe Ride. No problem, I just rearranged my travel schedule. The problem is that I am a part of the sports bra mafia and my class is a high energy high-intensity ride! Uh oh, who wants to see a flabby woman in a sports bra yelling at them? I devised a plan…I knew I had to continue to meal prep (even more) while I was traveling.

So here are some tips. Follow me if you’re hungry for more…

1. Choose a hotel with a great fitness center! If the fitness center just has an old treadmill and a set of dumbbells, scout out local gyms in the city where you’ll be traveling. This is your time to try out some new classes or gyms. Many gyms give a first-time free class or an affordable day pass. The 24 Hour Gym at a hotel I stayed in Cali was AAAAHHHMAAAAAZING! Indoor Cycling on Navy Pier in Chicago? Yes, Please!

2. Take it outside! Go for a run if you can’t find a good local gym; it’s a great way to get to know a new city. I always seem to run about 3 extra miles when I’m DC! Who wouldn’t be amazed at all those monuments! I stay in a hotel in Little Rock that is right on the river and has an amazing running trail. 


3. Call ahead of time to make sure your hotel has a refrigerator available in your room – and that there’s room for more than mini bottles of liquor. Pack your lunch (yes, while you’re traveling)! Try low-carb or multigrain wraps with your favorite lean meats and veggies. These are great go-to meals. Are you lucky enough to have an expense account? Use those funds to go to the grocery store and by healthy snacks and meals that you can store in your hotel refrigerator.

4. Download apps that will direct you to healthy(er) food choices. Cali is a health food junkie’s DREAM, but you may need a little more guidance if you’re in other states.

5. YouTube your workout! Sometimes it’s just not possible to find a good gym, or the hotel gym sucks. There are plenty of “No gym or equipment needed” workouts out there! Or just do some good ole’ burpees, pushups, and sit-ups and you’re good to go!

Remember, if you must indulge (you almost always will), just do it once a day! Your waist will thank you later.

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